Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thrift Store Cool

When I was little my dad used to go to thrift stores all of the time and drag us kids in there. I. hated. it. I hated the smell and touching stuff. Then I got older and of course what is my new addiction? Thrift stores. Michelle and I went to a few Goodwills and Savers- but in our area everything was SUPER overpriced. We were used to yardsales where the common price is a dollar.
Well, we went to the Salvation Army one day on a whim last month and that is where we ran up and down the aisles squealing with delight. Full carts later I had lots of cool buys for less than $20.
After some red spray paint on my $1.50 pot and my $.50 bird (which Michelle said was creepy and now covets) they are ready for Valentine's Day.

The bird lives next to the Love sign on the mantel.
The red pot is filled with glittery hearts and a big heart.
A little pink on the blueberry topiary and it too is ready for it's close up.

My favorite was this little country chic gem.
Geese not your thing? Mine either!

Too cute now. A little pink spray paint and pink glitter and voila! A cute bathroom decoration.
The lesson I learned is this: thrift stores are great but you have to find the right one. It took some hunting for us to find one where it was worth the money to dig and redo it. I love making stuff, but if the cost factor isn't part of the deal... then it's easier to just go buy what you want. You also have to look at the potential of things- which takes time. I will post more of my Valentine decor later- I have been busy working on this little gem...
A $6 lamp I am redoing for my little sister who is about to venture out on her own. Good thing her cheap and crafty sister is saving her money versus those $45 lamps she wanted to buy. Come see tomorrow what it looks like done!

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